The final PCB
- Tills Palm Pages
- Twonky - Linux based Media PC
- BlueGPS - RBT-3000 download tool
- NanoVM, Java for the AVR
- LCD2USB, a cheap text LCD interface
- MacAVR, AVR development under MacOS X
- LEDMATRIX, a 80x32 pixel DIY LED matrix display
- SPI2CF, a fast and efficient WLAN interface for the AVR
- i2c-tiny-usb, a simple i2c interface for the usb port
- BlueZ - Linux Bluetooth Stack
- BlueMP3 - bluetooth mp3 receiver
- BTkit - bluetooth remote control
- STonX - Atari ST emulator for Unix
- glMaze - OpenGL maze game
- Discontinued Atari stuff (german)
- A discontinued maze game
- C64 projects